
Hello, my name is Areli! I have lived in Interior Alaska my whole life, and this is my senior year at UAF studying Geological Engineering. I really enjoy distance running, cross-country skiing, and hiking (the photo below is from a hike at Grapefruit Rocks on the Elliott Highway last year) whenever I get the chance. I had the opportunity to train for and run my first marathon last year and loved it! I am thankful for my amazing group of running buddies who help me stay motivated throughout the year. I also enjoy reading, spending time with my family, and keeping in touch with friends and extended family through snail mail.

Music has always been a big part of my family, although neither of my parents really played an instrument past high school. I began violin lessons at age 10 and then started taking piano lessons several years later. My three younger siblings also play violin, as well as some piano, viola, mandolin, and guitar, so we were always making music together growing up! There are some unique opportunities for young musicians in Fairbanks, and I was a part of the Fairbanks Suzuki Institute, Fairbanks Concerto Competition, Fairbanks Youth Symphony, and Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival during high school. I find that it is harder to keep up with my practicing these days, since I decided not to study music in college. I still take piano lessons every few weeks, and will include a link to one of the preludes for piano that I am currently finishing by Rachmaninov, as performed by Nikolai Lugansky. I enjoy attending Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra concerts, especially their Christmas performance! 

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Areli. I love your website!!

  2. Hello, Areli. Your blog was quite enjoyable to read, and the photo along with it was beautiful as well. Best wishes to you on your senior year.

  3. Hello Areli! I applaud you for your marathon completion. Its hard to keep the motivation up and continue to train through the thick of winter. Keep up with the music and try to make time. I know it does the mind and soul good.

  4. Hello Areli! My daughter has been playing the violin since she was eight! I enjoyed reading your blog! Loved the photo! I love the reading about your family background in music.

  5. Hello Areli, I really like how you set up your blog with a black background and white comments and posts. I think it looks cool. I find it amazing how you completed a marathon. I think that running a marathon takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

  6. I thought that this piece was an excellent choice for your analysis, and John Williams is a great composer. I also happen to like this movie score.

  7. You play piano? That's awesome, I've always wanted to learn to play, I only know a little bit because I couldn't afford lessons but it's a beautiful instrument. I love using the pedals to create a haunting sound. At my small school on the Alaskan Peninsula, we used to have a piano in the common room and the common room was actually a repurposed choir and band room.


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